Everything in one place
Recommendations for parents of children from 3 to 4 months
Everything in one place. Recommendations for parents of children from 3 to 4 months. |
A period of more diverse experiences
Dear parents,
Welcome to our blog.
We hope to help you and give you advice for the development of your child, and we list the basic abilities and skills that are acquired during this period.
Do not forget that after the 2nd month of the child's life, take the child for vaccination against serious diseases, polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus and Hemophilus influenzae.
When the baby is 3 and a half months old, take her to a pediatrician for a preventive examination and other vaccinations against serious childhood diseases: polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus and Hemophilus influenzae type B.
Continue to breastfeed your baby and give her the recommended vitamins.
While breastfeeding your baby, hold her so that you can look at each other and cuddle her.
Developmental care and support
Maintain a routine in eating, playing, bathing, and sleeping.
Make your baby a safe environment in which he can play with his hands, toys and explore.
Body massage can help babies fall asleep.
Safe environment and handling
Always hold the child while lying on any raised surface from which he may fall and be injured.
Do not allow a child to play with toys smaller than 2.5 cm, as he may swallow them.
In the car, use the child restraint system, which should be located in the rear seat of the vehicle.
Warning signs
Share everything you care about your child's development with your pediatrician.
Let him know if you notice that a child:
- does not follow things that move,
- does not react with a smile to a human face,
- does not hold (does not control) the head stably,
- does not coo or make sounds,
- don't bring things to your mouth.
If you missed the previous post, you can read it here➡️ Recommendations for parents for a child 2nd month
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Until the next post,
Best Regards. π
Preporuke roditeljima dece od 3. do 4.meseca
Everything in one place. Preporuke roditeljima dece od 3 do 4 meseca. |
Period raznovrsnijih iskustava
Dragi roditelji,
Dobro dosli na nas blog. Nadamo se da cemo vam pomoci i dati vam savete za razvoj vaseg deteta, a navodimo i osnovne sposobnosti i vestine koje se sticu u ovom periodu.
Ne zaboravite da posle navrsenog 2.meseca zivota deteta, odvedete dete na vakcinaciju protiv teskih bolesti, decije paralize, difterije, velikog kaslja, tetanusa i bakterije Hemofilus influence.
Kada beba napuni 3 i po meseca, odvedite je kod pedijatra na preventivni pregled i drugu vakcinaciju protiv teskih decijih bolesti: decije paralize, difterije, velikog kaslja, tetanusa i bakterije Hemofilus influence tipa B.
Nastavite da dojite bebu i da joj dajete preporucene vitamine.
Dok dojite bebu, drzite je tako da mozete da se gledate i da je mazite.
Nega i podrska u razvoju
Odrzavajte rutinu u ishrani, igri, kupanju i spavanju.
Napravite bebi sigurno okruzenje u kome moze da se igra svojim rucicama, igrackama i da istrazuje.
Masaza tela moze pomoci bebi da zaspi.
Bezbedno okruzenje i postupanje
Uvek pridrzavajte dete dok lezi na svakoj uzdignutoj povrsini sa koje moze da padne i da se povredi.
Ne dozvolite da se dete igra igrackama manjim od 2,5 cm, jer moze da ih proguta.
U automobilu koristite sigurnosno sediste za dete, koje treba da se nalazi na zadnjem sedistu vozila.
Znaci upozorenja
Sve sto vas brine u vezi sa razvojem deteta podelite sa pedijatrom. Obavestite ga ako primetite da dete:
- ne prati stvari koje se pomeraju,
- ne reaguje osmehom na ljudski lik,
- ne drzi ( ne kontrolise) glavu stabilno,
- ne guce i ne pravi zvuke,
- ne prinosi stvari ustima.
Ukoliko ste propustili prethodni post, mozete ga procitati ovde ➡️ Preporuke roditeljima dece od 2.meseca
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Srdacan pozdrav. π