Sunday, February 21, 2021

Everyting in one place /Recommendations for parents of children in the 2nd month /

 Everyting in one place

 Recommendations for parents of children in the 2nd month

Everyting in one place. 
Recommendations for parents of children in the 2nd month. 

 The period of establishing routine and harmonization


 Dear parents, 
We have prepared for you the most important tips for the development of your child, and we also list the basic abilities and skills that a child is expected to acquire at this age.


Take care of your health. 

In addition to a varied diet, it is important to get enough sleep, exercise and perform the necessary medical examinations at the doctor and dentist.

 Do not miss preventive examinations by a pediatrician or vaccination. 

In the second month of life, the vaccine against infectious jaundice (hepatitis B) is received. 

From the full moon, plan the following preventive examination and vaccination against serious diseases: polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus and Xemophilus influenzae type B.


Continue to breastfeed your baby when he shows that he is hungry: he opens and closes his mouth, squeezes his mouth, puts his hands in his mouth, sucks his fingers, fidgets anxiously and clings to you, and finally cries.

 Continue to give the child the recommended vitamins - 400 IU of vitamin D3, and in the first three months of life and 0.25 mg of vitamin K1 (if recommended by a pediatrician). 

Encourage your baby to burp during breastfeeding breaks. If the chuld is full after breastfeeding, and you still have milk in the breast, milk it and save that milk for later use (24 hours in the refrigerator, 3 months in the freezer).

Care and support for development

Maintain a daily routine: feeding, bathing, sleeping and playing.

Safe environment and handling

Make your house and car a smoke-free space. 

Keep plastic bags, nalons and small objects out of the reach of children.

 In vehicles, use a special safety seat, which should be located in the rear seat of the car.

Warning signs

Share everything you care about your child and his development with the pediatrician. 

Let him know if you notice that a child:
 - does not react to loud sounds, 
- does not follow things that move,
 - do not bring your hands to your mouth, 
- cannot lift his head off the mat when lying on his stomach. 

How did you like the post? 
What are your impressions and experiences?
 Leave a comment.
 If you missed the previous post, you can read it here➡️ Recommendations for parents

Until the next post, 
Best Regards. 💖 

Preporuke roditeljima dece u 2.mesecu

Everyting in one place. 
Preporuke roditeljima dece u 2.mesecu.

Period uspostavljanja rutine i uskladjivanja

Dragi roditelji, 
Pripremili smo za vas najvaznije savete za razvoj vaseg deteta, a navodimo i osnovne sposobnosti i vestine za koje se ocekuje da ih dete stekne u ovom uzrastu. 


Vodite racuna o svom zdravlju. 
Pored raznovrsne ishrane, vazno je da dovoljno spavate, da vezbate i da obavljate neophodne zdravstvene preglede kod lekara i stomatologa. 

Ne propustajte preventivne preglede kod pedijatra ili vakcinaciju. 
U drugom mesecu zivota prima se vakcina protiv zarazne zutice ( hepatitis B). Sa puna sva meseca planirajte sledeci preventivni pregled i vakcinaciju protiv teskih bolesti : decje paralize, difterije, velikog kaslja, tetanusa i bakterije Xemofilus influence tipa B.


Nastavite da dojite dete kada pokazuje da je gladno: otvara i zatvara usta, mljacka ustima, stavlja ruke u usta, sisa prste, uznemireno se vrpolji i privija se uz vas, a na kraju i zaplace.
Nastavite da dajete detetu preporucene vitamine - 400 i.j.vitamina D3, a u prva tri meseca zivota i 0, 25 mg vitamina K1 ( ako je to preporucio pedijatar).
Podsticite dete da podrigne tokom pauza u dojenju.
Ako je odojce posle podoja sito, a vi i dalje u dojkama imate mleka, izmlazajte se i to mleko sacuvajte za kasniju upotrebu (24 h u frizideru, 3 meseca u zamrzivacu).

Nega i podrska razvoju

Odrzavajte svakodnevnu rutinu :
hranjenje, kupanje, spavanje i igra. 

Bezbedno okruzenje i postupanje

Neka vasa kuca i automobil budu prostor bez duvanskog dima. 
Plasticne kese, nalone i male predmete drzite van domasaja deteta. 

U vozilima koristite specijalno sigurnosno sediste, koje treba da se nalazi na zadnjem sedistu automobila. 

Znaci upozorenja

Sve sto vas brine u vezi sa vasim detetom i njegovim razvojem podelite sa pedijatrom. 
Obavestite ga ako primetite da dete :
- ne reaguje na glasne zvuke,
- ne prati stvari koje se pomeraju,
- ne prinosi ruke ustima,
- ne moze da odigne glavu od podloge kada lezi na stomaku.

Kako vam se dopao post?
Koji su vasi utisci i iskustva?
Ostavite komentar. 
Ukoliko ste propustili prethodni post, mozete ga procitati ovde ➡️ Preporuke roditeljima dece u 1.mesecu

Do sledeceg posta, 
Srdacan pozdrav. 💖

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